13 February 2021

🌸 I've changed. A lot.

• From smoker to party smoker to actively think cigarettes are the most disturbing thing we ever invented, and that it should be banned because humanity can't seem to learn how dispose of them properly. 

• From being out socialising all days & nights a week, to months of stone cold sobriety, self care and relaxation. 

• From fully giving in to my destructive defense mechanisms, the desperate need to enjoy every last moment before it disappears forever, to finding the path to calmness, and trust in the universe for letting things happen in their own pace. 

• From sacrificing my physical self in the process of borderline dangerous decadence, to be carefully picky about who I let into my mind space. 

• From looking down at people's behaviours, as if I possessed a superior spirituality, to humbly accept that we are all on different stages of learning, and that by condemning what others do, we slow our own inner growth. 

• (Don't get me wrong, humanity still pisses me off. I'm only human & I have my weak points 😂 I'm just slowly learning to not react on everything anymore. Choosing what gets my energy, & what passes me by. Isolation has made this a lot easier than before. Lol)

• The more I learn, the more I realise how damn much there is to realise. Things we take for granted. Things that's been forgotten. How short our lives are, and how blessed I am for finding my way towards inner healing, in time. 

I change, every day.
Nice to meet you again 🌸  


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