11 April 2021

Entering third trimester today! 

Wow. Second trimester was a breeze. Except for this growing belly, I barely even feel pregnant at all. The pregnancy symptoms hasn't changed much; I still don't feel mood swings, fatigue or cravings, but that skin outbreak seems to be here to stay. That's okay. It could be so much worse. 

I've felt increasingly impatient for a while - I'm looking forward for the birth experience so much! I know I'll probably regret everything once the labour pains starts, but right now, I'm just so excited!! Pain and all, I believe it will be the most incredible experience ever. And it will result with a forever friend in my arms. I can't wait ❤️ 

There isn't much to say about the second trimester at all, at least not physically. I've been trying to work out as much as I can at home, in preparation for the bodily feat of pushing out another human, and just in case pregnancy fatigue takes over with the growing belly. I seem to have been one of the lucky ones - and I hope it stays that way. 

Other than physical matters, there's been quite an unfortunate timing with Malta's second lockdown. Almost exactly one year after the first, the government decided to close down all businesses for one and half month. 

Being in the second trimester, now has really been the time for me to work and save up, before the due date creeps up too much. Especially since I've had good energy levels. However, fate had other plans, and I've just been living out lockdown life at home with our cats. I miss working, and I miss the daily exercise I get getting to and from work. I walk a lot when working, so I feel that I miss out on physical benefits while stuck in lockdown. Yoga can only do so much - I need my cardio too :| Not to speak about the money I need to save before having to stay at home with a child for months. 


It's all out of my hands. I can't do anything about businesses not opening. So I try not to get annoyed by the stupid timing. If everything goes as planned, I'll be back at work about 2 months before due date, and I'll try to keep working for as long as I possibly can. However, I pray to God that my water don't break on the work commute ...... 

Trimester 3, here I come ~ 


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