New, greener winds are flowing
• Lately, I've noticed that I'm gradually shifting towards a more plant based diet.
Rather than forbidding myself anything, my interest for meat & fish is just in decline, replaced with amusement of the vivid colours & health benefits veggies can give me.
I am fully embracing the direction I am going in, as I do believe the world would be a better place without industrial mass-suffering. And I thank the universe for letting all of this happen so naturally, for me.
However much I do like the thought of veganism, I also believe that it can promote other harmful mechanisms, such as importing food from all over the world. Animal produce or not, I think choosing local is the most sustainable option when it comes to the climate.
I've been a sushi chef for almost 10 years. Not owning my own restaurant, or deciding my own menu, proves it difficult to stay as sustainable as I would like. Which makes me wonder what I can, or should do.
I don't want to be part of the old ways that's clearly steering us into the abyss.
I want to be part of the change.
And change starts with oneself.
(To be clear... I haven't even come close to figure it out yet. Just sharing my thoughts of today. Thank you for reading 🌱)