For the moment

Oh hai. This blog has kind of died since I left Sweden. I'm just too busy enjoying my life for the moment! Everything is quite messy and unstable now at beginning, but I'm sure it'll all settle down when I start working and get my daily routines in. I still can't believe it sometimes. It still feels like a holiday - but I've actually moved from Sweden to Malta. I'm finally at the beginning of fulfilling my youth-dreams: Travel all around, do stupid things, learn and experience.

Never thought I would dare? Got ya
Here's the two best pics from last week:

Replacing drawing with Malta for a while..

Since I've just been living my first week in Malta I obviously haven't drawn at all. I got a request yesterday though, so I'll have to pick up the pens again soon... Oh yeah, inspiration? Shit's coming when it's coming.

Anyway, here's my selection of the nicest pictures we've been taking this far. I haven't included the beach pics (which is lovely like fucking hell) but I'll uppload them in the future. I heard peeps got minus degrees, snow and cold winds in Sweden, so heheheh..... ENJOY THIS ONE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!

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